Thursday, 9 October 2008

Goals for the school year

My goals for this year are as follows:
  1. Become a better student.
    • Let's face it I did not go to the best undergraduate school and the Seminary in St. Louis does not exactly keep students accountable to deadlines and such. So while I am here I would like to use the time to study hard, write good papers, not procrastinate and do other things that good students do.
    • This includes improving my Greek A LOT.
  2. Spend a significant ammount of time in London
    • To me a significant time would be a good number of weekends and maybe a week of vacation.
  3. See other sites
    • Stonehenge comes to minds, I am sure there has to be some others.
  4. Go to Germany and Ireland
    • I already have a room booked just outside Dublin for St. Patrick's Day!!!
  5. Go to a Football match
  6. Go to a Cricket match
    • This would include attaining a working knowledge of the sport, which could take a lot of time in itself.
  7. Meet people outside of Westfield House and Resurrection Lutheran Church.
If anyone has suggestions as to how I should spend my free time while I am in England and where to spend my vacations in Europe please do post a comment and let me know.

1 comment:

Joel said...

York is a must, if only for the "minster" there. As is Scotland, especially Edinburgh and the Highlands. I recommend a 2-3 day bus tour. Worth every pound. Northern Wales is quite cool, too. Liverpool has a soft spot in my heart b/c my school was near there for the semester I studied, but unless you're a Beatles freak, I don't really think it's worth its own trip.
Hope all is well!